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Conscious and subconscious information processing Essay

Cognizant and subliminal data preparing - Essay Example Numerous analogies have been made to portray the cognizant brain. One successful ...

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

PROGRAM Master of Public Administration COURSE CODETITLE Public Person

PROGRAM: Master of Public Administration COURSE CODE/TITLE: Public Personnel Administration / PA 222 PRESENTED BY: Marvin C. Bustamante PRESENTED TO: Dr. Yolanda I. Camaya ________________________________________ UNIT II. PUBLIC PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Personnel management - defined as obtaining, using and maintaining a satisfied workforce. It is a significant part of management concerned with employees at work and with their relationship within the organization. According to Flippo, Personnel management is the planning, organizing, compensation, integration and maintenance of people for the purpose of contributing to organizational, individual and societal goals. According to Brech, Personnel Management is that part which is primarily concerned with human resource of organization. PERSONNEL FUNCTIONS MORALE AND MOTIVATION MORALE: Also known as 'esprit de corps' (Henri Fayol's fourteenth principle of administration) is the amount of confidence felt by a person or group of people, especially when in a dangerous or difficult situation at work/organization. A high morale person will not be afraid from taking up challenges and accept orders. Whereas a low morale person will have limited attention of work and not be open to accept orders. The morale of a person shows his overall adaptability to the overall organizational situation. An employee keeps doing an individual assessment of his work and his organizations status in society and his work environment and management's attitudes towards him and after assessing all this he reaches conclusions as to how to proceed. If his assessment comes out positive then he experiences high morale, but if it comes out negative then he experiences low morale and this can be made out by his behavior and attitude towards his work mentioned above. It is considered as a group phenomenon as mostly employees in a group tend to feel the same way and the factors they take into consideration is used by everyone while doing their own individual assessments. Corruption in administration has a very negative impact on morale of the workforce. Employees seeing no way out tend to have no initiative and lack of will and desire to perform their jobs with optimum energy. MOTIVATION: Motivation is the enthusiasm or reason for doing something. Frederick Herzberg, Abraham Maslow, David McClelland and David McGregor are major contributors to the motivation theory. Motivation is specific to an individual and is almost always an individual phenomena. There are three reasons/aspects to motivation or the lack of it: 1)Needs: These are deficiencies that a person does not have but wants to have. 2)Drives: These are action oriented and provide energy thrust towards goal achievement. Its the very heart of motivational process. 3)Goals: Incentives or pay offs that provide private satisfaction but reinforce the everlasting chain of needs. TYPES OF MOTIVATION: 1)Incentive and position incentive: Helps fulfill the four P's of motivation of employees - Praise, prestige, promotion and paycheck. 2)Negative or fear motivation: This trend is mostly no longer used. It is when a person is coerced into doing a job because he is fearful of consequences if he does not do it. 3)Extrinsic motivation: Pay promotion, status, fringe benefits, retirement plans, holidays/vacations, etc. This motivation is largely monetary in scope. 4)Intrinsic motivation: Feeling of having accomplished something that is worthwhile. It is symbolized by praise, responsibility, recognition, esteem, status, competition and participation. 5)Financial motivation: salary, bonus, profit sharing, leave with pay, etc. 6)Non- financial motivations: Non-financial/monetary in nature. Job enlargement, job rotation, job loading or more responsibility, Job enrichment, Job security, delegation of authority, status and pride, praise and recognition, competition and participation, etc. LABOR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS From EO 292 SEC. 36. Personnel Relations. (1) It shall be the concern of the Commission to provide leadership and assistance in developing employee relations programs in the department or agencies. (2) Every Secretary or head of agency shall take all proper steps toward the creation of an atmosphere conducive to good supervisor-employee relations and the improvement of employee morale. Role of Personnel Manager Personnel manager is the head of personnel department. He performs both managerial and operative functions of management. His role can be summarized as: 1)Personnel manager provides assistance to top management- The top management are the people who decide and frame the primary policies of the concern. All kinds of policies related to personnel or workforce can be framed out effectively by the personnel manager. 2)He advices the line manager as a staff specialist- Personnel manager acts like a staff advisor and assists the line managers in dealing with various personnel matters. 3)As a

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Finding Success by Attending College essays

Finding Success by Attending College essays When a little child is asked, "what would you like to be when you grow up?" there are so many responses to this question. I remember when I was a little girl and I was asked this question my answer was "I want to be a doctor when I grow up." That was about 11 years ago. From since then my answer to that question has changed from doctor to computer programmer to physician assistant to finally an accountant. If I were asked that question today my response would be "I want to go to college and get my masters degree in accounting, become an independent young woman, get married and start my own family, and just be happy and successful." As the only young woman in my family, a lot is expected from me. This is why it is and obligation to go to college and achieve my goal to become successful. First of all college is the only way that I know where you can become successful in this world. Without some type of degree in your hand, it will be very hard to make it in this world. Today if you really want to get your foot through those doors you better have a master's degree or better. I have always been a girl who wants to be in charge. Going to college can give me that advantage in life. As a young girl my mother always said, "Jahniqua, as an African-American especially, in this day and age you have to put your best foot forward in this world if you really want to go high places. If you want to wear all those fancy clothes you see and drive those fancy cars you like then college is the place that you have to go to get that. College is the only place that will get you there and the only thing that will get you respect in this world." Those words have been like words of wisdom to me. There have been plenty of times when I just wanted to give up but then those words would just appear in front of me like magic and just give me the strength to keep on going. Those words have been like a reality check for me because I think without them I would h...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global Environmental Impact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Global Environmental Impact - Essay Example As the paper discusses an extensive review of the literature found out that series of climatic change agreements and institutions have taken place to reduce Global environmental impact by climate change. Man-made climate change was known to be a problem in the 20th century even though Green House Gases emissions effects on the global climate have been there since 19th century. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established in 1988 to assess the scientific evidence. According to the research findings COP 15 in Copenhagen was established in 2009 to implement new climate agreement that would commit both developing and developed countries, an agreement that was post-Kyoto period. This conference resulted in a failure since it ended with a non-binding document mentioning 2oC target, a gaol was agreed to provide climate finance, and came up with Green Climate Fund in which countries made pledges up to 2020 that were not sufficient to meet the 2oC target In 2011, COP 17 conference was held in Durban. It establishes a mechanism of technology to expedite technology development and relocation. The conference also concluded that a new agreement to be adopted by 2015 and enter into force in 2020. The agreements was to be legally binding and applicable to all countries of the world and the Ad Hoc working group on Durban platform was to prepare it for an Enhanced Action. The US-China announcement on their intention to reduce climate change was made on December 2014 a head of the Lima conference.